Susan Ricketts
Assemblies of God World Missionary
Susan was born and raised in Alabama, USA. She majored in chemical engineering at The University of Alabama. After graduating, she did a campus ministry internship at Western Washington University in 1990-91, and then became a Chi Alpha staff member at The University of Alabama in 1991-93 and at the University of South Alabama in 1993-1999.
She first came to Japan in 1999 with a team of Chi Alpha college students and later taught at Mizonokuchi Christ Church in 1999-2002 as an English teacher. In 2004, she returned to Japan to work as a career missionary.
In 2017 she completed a master of arts degree in ministerial studies from Global University.
Hobbies: Singing gospel music, playing the piano, reading books, cooking
Favorite color: purple
Favorite Scripture: Romans 12: 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship (NIV).
Susan's AGWM website