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Susan Ricketts, AGWM Missionary

Susan Ricketts

Assemblies of God  World Missionary

Susan was born and raised in Alabama, USA. She majored in chemical engineering at The University of Alabama. After graduating, she did a campus ministry internship at Western Washington University in 1990-91, and then became a Chi Alpha staff member at The University of Alabama in 1991-93 and at the University of South Alabama in 1993-1999.


She first came to Japan in 1999 with a team of Chi Alpha college students and later taught at Mizonokuchi Christ Church in 1999-2002 as an English teacher. In 2004, she returned to Japan to work as a career missionary.

In 2017 she completed a master of arts degree in ministerial studies from Global University. 

Hobbies: Singing gospel music, playing the piano, reading books, cooking

Favorite color: purple


Favorite Scripture: Romans 12: 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship (NIV). ​


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